Find out if your USB Thumb Drive or SD Card if fake using H2testw


H2testw is a computer software which allows you to check the health and performance of your storage device. With the help of H2testw you can easily check if your SD Card or Pen Drive is original fake. As you can check the original size of your storage disk device using this software. You don’t need any professional knowledge to use H2testw, just download it from below link and check out the installation guide and know how to use h2testw from that page.

This great little tool will check if you bought a fake SD Card or USB thumb drive. Many of us buy either SD cards or USB thumb drives off Amazon or ebay but did you ever wonder if it’s counterfeit? Lot’s of items all across amazon for instance are not legitimate. Many SD cards and USB thumb drives on Amazon are not real and just a fake replica made in China. Amazon has no desire to check for their products. For this reason we suggest you Never buy a SD Card or USB thumb drive from Amazon but to buy it from a reputable dealer like Newegg and directly from Newegg and not a third party seller.


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